BERGISCHE Health Insurance

Health insurance that meets your needs

FlexiBonus² programme

Save up to €1,800

Save up to €1,800 a year with our award-winning FlexiBonus²! Use the money you save on having your teeth professionally cleaned, for example, or for a sports-related medical check-up or sports camp for your kids.

If you’re already active and conscious of your health, we’ll reward you with a cash or non-cash bonus (for example: a fitness tracker).


Statutory benefits

Healthcare for everyone

If you get sick, you’re reliant on good medical care. Basic medical care is required by law in Germany. All statutory health insurance providers are required to provide the same level of care. Medical care is billed via the insurance card. Voluntary statutory benefits, on the other hand, can be arranged by the health insurance funds themselves. That’s exactly what BERGISCHE Health Insurance has done – and the result is benefits that suit your lifestyle perfectly. As well as the best bonus programme in Germany (as confirmed by our Focus Money test rating).


Zwei Sportler laufen zwischen Baumreihen auf einer Wiese.
Frau hält Handy mit geöffneter BKK-App nach vorne.

Award-winning service

We’re here for you

BERGISCHE Health Insurance is here for you – at a moment’s notice and with no hassle. It’s easy, secure and fast to send us your documents in the BERGISCHE app on your smartphone. Our friendly team of experts will be happy to advise you over the phone or in person at our customer service centres.

Service is an issue that’s near and dear to our hearts. To ensure that we always provide great support, we are regularly audited by independent testing organisations such as those awarding the TÜV quality seal.

Special Care –

first class medical treatment

An exceptional level of care for certain medical situations: With Special Care services, various partners in the healthcare system work together in a targeted manner and coordinate their respective services towards a common treatment goal. Our Special Care programmes are available for situations such as outpatient surgery, sports medicine or for even greater safety during pregnancy – and more.


Disease Management Programme

for chronic illnesses

We offer modern treatment programmes for people with chronic illnesses. The Disease Management Programme BKKMedPlus is free of cost for all insurance holders.


Become a member now

Opt for excellent health benefits plus the best services and become a member of BERGISCHE Health Insurance today. Just fill out our membership application – we’ll take care of the rest.

Membership application